Local Zero is officially open for business!
We are pleased to bring you a range of sustainable products, fulfilled by businesses located within 20 miles of Stockbridge, Hampshire, making it easier than ever for you to shop local, which good for the local economy AND good for the environment!
Local Zero a simple concept that enables you to keep your cupboard stocked up with sustainable staples of the highest quality, brought to you in the least impactful way.
Customer feedback helps to expand our product range.
Feedback from our testing phase has been really encouraging, with our community of test shoppers aka Local Zero Heroes, providing invaluable comments on how we can expand our product range and continue to improve our online ordering and delivery service.
As we build our new business and follow our own zero waste journey, these words from Anne Marie Bonneau, the Zero-Waste Chef, really resonate with us;
Our ultimate goal, as a business, is to be Carbon Neutral. The Local Zero team all share a passion to be both sustainable and ethical in everything we do, and limiting our carbon footprint is top of our list of priorities, but at the same time, we know that we are not perfect. This project is a work-in-progress, and we don't profess to be experts, or to know all the answers; we are all learning from each other on this zero-waste journey, but what we do know is that we need to do something (even if it is somewhat imperfect) to make a difference.
With this in mind, the subject of packaging has come up a few times in our conversations with customer and suppliers, so in this weeks blog we thought we would address a few questions that have been raised on this subject...
100% reusable and recyclable zero waste packaging.
When we started Local Zero, we wanted to make sure we were designing a completely sustainable system - the last thing we wanted was a zero-waste service that had a negative impact on the environment. Our packaging buyer, Janie, diligently researched a whole host of potential containers and it soon became clear that of all available materials, recycled and recyclable plastic was the clear winner in terms of durability, weight, and CO2 production. Whilst we are wholeheartedly anti single-use plastic, the Local Zero team were all in agreement that plastic does have its place in our world, but only when it is reused many, many times. Once an item comes to the end of its (long) life, it must be recycled and absolutely nothing goes to landfill.
There's no one-size fits all solution, and we know from our market research that our customers will all have their own preferences when it comes to storing their zero-waste products, but from a business point of view, our priority is how to safely transport loose goods to our customers in the most environmentally-friendly, hygienic, and cost-effective way possible.
While we are in our launch phase, we will be trialling delivery of our zero-waste refill goods in a variety of different packaging depending on the specific product. In the main we use reusable BPA free containers. These may be screw top canisters, lidded buckets or bottles. Additionally we use glass bottles and jars, for oils and condiments and also paper. Rest assured that everything we have chosen is 100% reusable, recyclable or compostable, keeping our waste to an absolute minimum.