8 Ways to be #onestepgreener

Here at Local Zero HQ we are on a mission to do our bit for the planet and lead more sustainable lives. We are people like you. We live, work, shop and enjoy living in Hampshire, and we want to protect the world around us. We are trying to live lives and run our business with the future of the planet in mind, and want to inspire others to do the same.
"But I'm just one person, how can I make a difference?" We understand how it can be overwhelming climate change can be, and it is hard to see as individuals, how we can have any influence on a global scale, BUT, together, the small changes we make to our everyday habits, can collectively make a BIG impact!
Here are 8 simply ways that you can be #onestepgreener
1. Repair & Reuse: Something you’ve fixed, or used for another purpose instead of throwing away, or looked after for a long time instead of replacing.
2. Cut food waste: Making things with leftovers, alternative uses for older or riper fruit and veg, buying more carefully, batch- cooking, using garden produce etc.
3. Use carpooling and share car journeys: Taking friends and family out, giving a colleague a lift to work.
4. Eat and/ or shop local produce: Let us know what’s great locally – fruit and veg, cheese, favourite local suppliers and dishes.
5. Think before taking the car: Replace short car journeys with walking, cycling or public transport for your commute, the school run, a shopping trip or a visit to a friend.
6. Eat seasonal foods: Switch up your favourite dishes or recipes with food that’s in season.
7. Reduce energy waste: Turning things off at night, replacing electric lights with solar, cooking in batches, washing at lower temperatures, switching to eco-energy suppliers etc.
8. Get talking about climate change: What are the big questions? Who needs most reassurance? Let us know who you talk to and how it goes.
Let's work together to be a force for good.
Local Zero was founded with the sole purpose of making sustainable living easier for everyone. We have big plans for booming a resource for information and advice on making greener choices, but for now, we are starting by tackling the issues of reducing food miles, minimising packaging waste and reducing our carbon footprint. By shopping with Local Zero, you are helping the planet in a number of ways, but the key benefits are:
- The majority of our produce is either grown, made or source within 20 miles of our HQ in Stockbridge, Hampshire.
- Our packaging is 100% reusable, recyclable or compostable, meaning NOTHING goes to landfill.
- We deliver using electric vans, so no emissions.
- We champion local businesses, supporting communities and the local economy.
Shop our huge range of sustainable staples.
From refills of flour, sugar, rice and past to local grown vegetables and fresh flowers, there's no minimum order, so you can shop small or in bulk. What's more, delivery is completely FREE within 20 miles of Stockbridge, Hampshire!